meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at Storyhouse, Hunter Street, Chester, CH1 2AR.

Please contact jane[dot]brocklehurst[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions for the group.

You can also join our Chester Writers Facebook for more up-to-date information about the group.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Minutes of February Meeting

Date: Thursday February 18th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

Item 1: Habitats Exhibition.

Kate Riddington, Keeper of Natural History at the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, brought in a few items of taxidermy, geological specimens and pictures of Cheshire landscape as writing stimulus for an exhibition which is taking place at the museum this summer. The exhibition is aiming to 'use the natural science collections to inspire people and reach new audiences'.

The complete list of birds that will be on display is below and Kate says that 'if anyone would like to see any of the specimens, we can arrange that.' You can contact Kate here.

Meres and mosses
Grey Heron, 2004.30578
Moorhen, 1957.006
Water Rail, 1976.10.f
Coot, 1892.2828

Lapwing, 1968.172
Quail, 1976.43.t
Red legged partridge, 1976.037.a
Cased Barn owls

Tufted Duck, 1909.7896
Black-headed gull, handling collection
Black rat
Brown rat

Grey squirrel
Great tit, 1968.105
Feral pigeon, 1968.104
Robin, 1997.08
Starling, 2006.30474
Magpie, 1957.21
Rook, 1963.6
Blackbird, 2006.20470

Coastal and estuary
Curlew, 2004.30703
Peregrine and teal 2004.30593
Oystercatcher, 1970.18
Little stint, 1976.35.b
Wigeon, 1958.01
Shag, 1911.7228

Heath and moorland
Black Grouse, NH gallery
Red Grouse, 1976.58.d
Short-eared Owl, 1939.8178
Ring Ouseul, 1976.54.b
Meadow Pipit, 1970.07 OR Wheatear, 2004.30583

Pheasant?, 1970.1, 2
Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 2004.20692
Green woodpecker, 2006.30476
Jay, in gallery
Sparrowhawk, 1977.24
Little Owl, 2004.30701
Bullfinch, 1976.47.m
Nuthatch, 1976.43.m
Crossbill, 1977.35.d
Red squirrel

Item 2: Election of post of Treasurer.

Annie Holland generously volunteered to replace Irene Matthewson as treasurer - for this many thanks!

Item 3: Website.

Item 4
: Readings.

Item 5: Homework

This month it will be to write about a habitat as introduced by Kate above.
Or...Describe your garden or piece of parkland or even a windowbox from the point of view of someone who has been held captive in some way (perhaps by another person or by illness or anything else you can think of).
The idea is to evoke the world anew - to make the familiar strange.

Item 6: AOB We were pleased to welcome three new members and welcome back an old founder member.

Item 7 : Next meeting
Thursday 18th March. Bishop Lloyd's Palace 7.45pm.


  1. Great Blog Clare and also great to see Chester Writers much invigorated.
    Thankyou for your hardwork.

  2. Thanks Jan! Only just spotted this! I must see to the comment alerts.


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