meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at Storyhouse, Hunter Street, Chester, CH1 2AR.

Please contact jane[dot]brocklehurst[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions for the group.

You can also join our Chester Writers Facebook for more up-to-date information about the group.

Friday, March 28, 2014

In celebration and memory of dear Adrian Benson, very welcoming member and stalwart of Chester Writers. A poem from his blog somewhenelse.blogspot (link at the side)

Fetching You (In Memory, SF)

They say that when the good go
They leave us with a smile
They reach for who has come for them
To take them to the next place
And smile, stretch out and recognise
And go with them
And leave us
Impoverished by absence
Enriched by memory

Have slid away
Still and silent
Dragged by angels
Away from our

But the smile lingers, reluctant to fade
The smile ghosts the room
A scrap of you
Left here for the next time
Left for when it’s your turn
To be some other’s guide

And your smile
Has scratched the lives
Of each and every one of us
And we shall see you one more time
When you come back to claim your smile
And some small part of each of us
Will still be here to greet you

Adrian Benson

Friday, March 21, 2014

April Meeting

Date : Thursday 16th April
Time 7.45pm
Place: The Old Custom House, Watergate Street.

1. Notices. 
2. Readings.
3. AOB.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March Meeting

Date : Thursday 20th March
Time 7.45pm
Place: The Old Custom House, Watergate Street.

1. Notices. 
2. Readings.
3. AOB.