meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at Storyhouse, Hunter Street, Chester, CH1 2AR.

Please contact jane[dot]brocklehurst[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions for the group.

You can also join our Chester Writers Facebook for more up-to-date information about the group.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Minutes for November

Date : Thursday 15th November.
Time 7.45pm
Place: The Old Boot Inn, Eastgate Street (first floor)

1. Notices (none)
2.  Readings.
3. Homework: Arc short story (details below)

Length: between 3,000 and 5,000 words
Subject: the future of privacy, loneliness, self-reliance and surveillance. 
Guidelines: Is the future social? Is it friendly? Will technology bring us closer together, or seal us each in their own living tomb? Will we act more informally towards each other in the future, or will the Global Village set new, strict standards of behaviour? Will we savour human contact, or grow to fear it?
Technology, in whatever guise, should feature prominently in your story, but bear in mind that technology is not about pure mechanics: it's about how people and the things they make work together. We're looking for fiction, not opinion, and the human element will have to be compelling.

Entry: Anyone, anywhere in the world can enter. 
Deadline: Submissions must be received before Monday 14 January 2012. 
Selection: Arc's editors will select one story for publication in Arc 2.1, out towards the end of February 2013. 
Prize: We will pay £500 for that story and £200 for each of five runners-up. We will use all of these stories to stimulate conversations about the future on our Tomorrow Project website.

4. No meeting in December.  

Next meeting on Thursday January 17th at the Boot Inn, Eastgate Street at 7.45pm.